Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Wix Site of the Day Today!

I'm excited that my website has been chosen as Wix.com's Site of the Day!
Here's what they wrote about the design of the site:

"A set of links on the top of Liz Foongs homepage present the viewer with a clean intro to her sites layout. The minimalist color combination and arrangement of design elements separated from one another by whitespace present a breathable, weightless look. The assignment of rollover effects to the menu labels allows visitors to breeze through the sites pages. Rolling over the artists name brings one immediately back to the home page, an element that contributes to the high usability level of this free website.
Foongs work is accessed through her Portfolio page, which has a drop-down menu appear when rolled over. From here, one can view a gallery of her work divided by genre. Rolling over artwork causes a title and description of the piece to drop down. The font selection creates a personalized look to the sites textual content, and ties in nicely with the hand-made artwork. Links to the artists social networks are connected to icons designed like postage stamps. Everything is custom-made and no detail is overlooked in this professional and uniquely crafted free website."
Thanks to everyone who sent me messages and 'Likes' :)

Wix Site
Liz Foong Website

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Website to be featured as Wix.com's website of the day

Just thought I should mention as I thought it's pretty good considering it was my first attempt at such a thing! There are loads of websites that are designed much more professionally than mine, but I'm pretty proud of it anyway!

It'll be on the Wix.com site some time in the next week or so and will be featured in their archives..

Wix website

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Website ready

I've been busy 'designing' my website. I use inverted commas for 'designing' as I am not a pro, I'm just having a go..
Nonetheless, go take a look. It's basically so I can have somewhere to show off my work easily in one place. Plus, it was free - hence the domain name being a bit long.
Hope you like it:

Liz Foong Website